Er:YAG Laser Micro Resufacing
Great For
Skin Texture
Suitable for all skin types
Retexture Uneven Skin
Reduce Superficial Imperfections

What to expect
How often?
How long?
Feels Like?
Some discomfort, 3 to 5 days recovery
How it works
Controlled Depth
Er:YAG laser has the advantage of controlled depth and heat in penetration, allowing for precisely controlled treatments.
Micro Skin Resurfacing
Micro thin layers of skin are gently ablated away to improve the appearance of the skin, reduce superficial imperfections, and restore a youthful texture resulting a glowing, pearl-like appearance of the skin. Two to three days of redness can be expected post treatment.
Always apply SPF to the treatment area and limit sun exposure. Active skin care can resume 48-72 hours post treatment.
Please notify your clinician if there are changes to your medical history, medications or pregnancy. Hormonal imbalances can affect the treatment outcome and more treatments may be necessary. Cooperation and adherence to aftercare protocols is necessary.

Good to Know
Laser Platform
Fotona SP Dynamis Pro
Laser Source & Wavelength
Er:YAG 2940nm
Er:YAG Laser Micro Resufacing
Great For
Skin Texture
Suitable for all skin types
Retexture Uneven Skin
Reduce Superficial Imperfections

What to expect
How often?
How long?
Feels Like?
Some discomfort, 3 to 5 days recovery
How it works
Controlled Depth
Er:YAG laser has the advantage of controlled depth and heat in penetration, allowing for precisely controlled treatments.
Micro Skin Resurfacing
Micro thin layers of skin are gently ablated away to improve the appearance of the skin, reduce superficial imperfections, and restore a youthful texture resulting a glowing, pearl-like appearance of the skin. Two to three days of redness can be expected post treatment.
Always apply SPF to the treatment area and limit sun exposure. Active skin care can resume 48-72 hours post treatment.
Please notify your clinician if there are changes to your medical history, medications or pregnancy. Hormonal imbalances can affect the treatment outcome and more treatments may be necessary. Cooperation and adherence to aftercare protocols is necessary.

Good to Know
Laser Platform
Fotona SP Dynamis Pro
Laser Source & Wavelength
Er:YAG 2940nm